
it‘s Hannah

Welcome to a small glimpse of my professional life

About Hannah Sutor

I’ve been involved in building software since I ​graduated from college many moons ago. From ​writing code to QA to product management, I’ve ​learned many lessons from all stages. By now, I ​pretty well understand what goes into making ​software.

I’m currently a Principal Product Manager at GitLab. ​I feel strongly about software security, and I’m also ​embedded into the digital identity ecosystem, which ​is a pretty cool place to be. You can find me ​speaking or writing about all things DevOps, ​identity, cybersecurity, and privacy.

Some of my work

Black Scribble Border

Published Articles


Sp​eaker at the following events:

DevOps Days Chicago, 2022

Civo Navigate, 2023

Identiverse, 2023 and 2024

Day of SHEcurity, 2023

A multitude of podcasts, please reach ​out for specifics


Ac​tive in the following organizations:

IDPro (board member, treasurer)

Women in Identity

Linux Foundation - OpenSSF - ​scorecard ​w​orking group

Identiverse - C​ontent rev​i​ew committee

Women in CyberSec​urity (WiCyS)

Colora​d​o = Security

Reach out for ​collaboration ​opportunities or just ​to say hi.

I also have a life and interests outside of tech, ​and we can talk about those too

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